Author: Elias Faltin
Natasha Mangan
I have been developing games for 6+ years. Games have always been a core passion of mine. Teaching game design to students is awesome, it brings forth creativity and active learning.
Daniel Gustafsson
Since beginning my journey in Game Design and Project Management at Gotland University, I have over 11 years of experience in the game industry, working in areas such as Quality Assurance, Game Design, Programming, and Product Management. For the past six years, I’ve been at MAG Interactive, where my current role is Product Lead. I…
Curt Gervich
I am a professor of environmental planning and policy at the State University of New York. My research focuses on community engagement in environmental planning initiatives. I am especially interested in the power of games, performance and media to transform public engagement in planning processes, and bring about novel, just and sustainable solutions to environmental…
Samuel Beijer
IT generalist turned game developer by coincident.I have a background working with legacy IT systems and blue-collar mobile apps. Then by a coincident I got my foot in the door for a job in the gaming industry and started my career at King. Little did I now that meant after a few years when King…
Hind Toufga
Began my journey in game localization and QA as a product owner at Peak Games Istanbul in 2012. Transitioned to art school thereafter, where I delved into game assistant production, specializing in 2D UI art and UI animation using Unreal Engine 4. I also honed skills in GDD writing and game design. Further studies in…