Student Info
The Gotland Game Conference is not a mandatory part of your education. You have to apply to exhibit your work at Gotland Game Conference. Every person must also accept our code of conduct and anti-harrasment policy, and register online for a ticket.
After applying you will have several deliveries to meet, leading up to the conference. It is a huge amount of work, but can also be spectacularly useful! Read on…
(press S for the speaker notes!)
Please read up on the theme of this years’ conference, and review our code of conduct before registering for the event. The list of jurors is available here.
The Pac-Man Rule at Conferences
You’re going to a conference! Take the opportunity to network and chat with people. They’re lovely. Really! And if you’re already chatting in a group, make your group approachable using the Pac-Man Rule: when standing as a group of people, always leave room for 1 person to join your group.
The Pac-Man Rule was invented by Eric Holscher and animated by Dylan Beattie.
Exhibitor Map

Make sure to follow the delivery instructions and format specifications closely!
2019-04-01: The Theme Park-course starts
– Ulf will come in and present the GGC in the first week of the course 2019-04-29 13:00 B51: “Making the Most of the GGC Show Floor” (each team sends minimum 2 members to listen to this talk!) 2019-05-01: Project Submission to the GGC (Game info and team finalized)2019-05-15: Start uploading mock-ups, concept art, logos, development-photos, early screenshots etc. (details)2019-05-24 Deadline for purchasing Student / Alumni passes!2019-05-24 Deadline for self-nominating to the awards! 2019-05-24: Upload game trailer, title screen and better screenshots
(details)2019-05-27 23:59: Upload Game Poster (A2) (details) 2019-05-29: Journalists will be touring the campus for pre-ggc interviews and photos. Be ready!
2019-06-04 14:00: Upload your Game Prospect PDF to the FTP.
2019-06-04 14:00: Upload an executable of your game to the FTP, for jury to play on their own machines (applies to projects where this makes sense. (details)
2019-06-04 14:00: Ensure you’ve printed enough prospects for the Jury! Bring copies to your presentation.
2019-06-04 14:30: Show floor construction starts at Wisby Strand
2019-06-04 18-21: Booth crawl and dinner with the Jury (dinner only for the paid badges!) The bar is open, bring wallets.
Student presentation schedule
Teams will present for the jury between 14:00 – 17:30 on Tuesday the 4th. Exact time slot and location will be announced later.
A | B | C | D |
Room E22, Mika | |||
Jurors: | Games: | Year: | Competing for: |
Dorthe Hove Olesen
Itty Bitty Kitty Run | 1st-year | |
Richard Allan Bartle
Gate Sealers | 1st-year | Arcade, Social, Exhibit/Presentation |
Jennifer Jenson | it’s Raining Sloths | 1st-year | Arcade, Exhibit/Presentation, Woke |
Henrik Jonsson | Cast By Light | 1st-year | Art Direction, Woke, Innovation, |
Adam Wrange | Rootin’ Tootin’ Cowboy | 1st-year | Arcade, Exhibit/Presentation, Art Direction, |
Anton Albiin | Quickdraw | 1st-year | Arcade, Innovation, Social, |
Vilya Svensson | Marshmallow Bonfire | 1st-year | Arcade, Social, Woke, |
Joshua Juvrud | Comet |
Innovation, Art Direction, Storytelling, |
Charlie Edmunds | Argelite |
Social, Art Direction, Exhibit/Presentation, |
Peter Stråhle | Candle Detective |
Emelie Rodin | Oober Doober |
Social, Exhibit/Presentation, |
Daniel Gustafsson | D.A.S.H. |
Max Tiilikainen | El Cheapo |
Arcade, Art Direction, Exhibit/Presentation, |
Ever End Chapter 0 | 3rd-year | ||
Room E31, Camilla
Jurors: | Games: | Year: | Competing for: |
Alex Lusth | Tellus Tantrum | 1st-year | Art Direction, Arcade, Innovation, |
Oscar Eriksson | Neck ‘n’ Neck | 1st-year | Arcade, Exhibit/Presentation, Innovation, |
Kate Edwards | ZambaZooka! | 1st-year | Art Direction, Arcade, Social, |
Josefin Westborg | Neon Strike | 1st-year | Art Direction, Arcade, |
Mike Sellers | Colossal Chaos | 1st-year | Arcade, Exhibit/Presentation, Art Direction, |
Tobias Peulicke | CleanOut | 1st-year | Art Direction, Social, Innovation, |
Erik Starander | Snowdown | 1st-year | Arcade, Exhibit/Presentation, Social, |
Philip Karlsson |
PROJECT: Monster Girls
Arcade, Innovation, Social, |
Danielle Unéus | Provincia |
Arcade, Exhibit/Presentation, Art Direction, |
Teddy Sjöström | omw |
Storytelling, Art Direction, Innovation, |
Niklas Eneqvist | Strig & Kabu |
Art Direction, Storytelling, Social, |
Lisa W. Svanström
Runway Rumble |
Social, Art Direction, Innovation, |
Sunset Mystery |
Storytelling, Art Direction, Woke, | |
Sailor’s Grave | 3rd-year | Art Direction, Storytelling, | |
Room B51, Mischa
Jurors: | Games: | Year: | Competing for: |
Tom C. Hedberg | Vincere | 1st-year | Arcade, Exhibit/Presentation, Art Direction, |
Sabine Harrer | Dust Rider | 1st-year | Arcade, Innovation, Art Direction, |
Fred Ström | Love Dart | 1st-year | Art Direction, Exhibit/Presentation, Woke, |
Rasmus Lindgren | FIRE TIRES | 1st-year | Arcade, Social, Innovation, |
Nayomi Arvell
Wizdoom | 1st-year | Arcade, Social, Innovation, |
Jessica Libby Price | Oniris |
Jens Berglind | Ascenders |
Social, Art Direction, Exhibit/Presentation, |
Jona Marklund | Pangolin Party |
Exhibit/Presentation, Social, Art Direction, |
Rabi Afram | Flubbermonkeys |
Social, Art Direction, Exhibit/Presentation, |
Andrija Bernik | Midnight Train |
Martine Riis Pedersen
Down: The Way Out |
Andrew M Phelps | Desired Discomfort |
Social, Woke, Exhibit/Presentation, |
The Swamp | 3rd-year |
GGC Student Schedule
Tuesday, June 4
Wisby Strand is in use by another company until 15:00 so we can not cause any disruption until 15:00.
10:00 Finn Engström and all your hardware is in B13
11:00-12:00 You move all your hardware over to Visby Strand.
— Use only the side-door (towards the sea)
— This is a good time to mount your TVs on their stands.
— But DO NOT START BUILDING anything else
14:00 (presentations in E22, E31, B51)
15:00 Construction starts on the show floor.
— DO NOT put anything on the walls without clearing it with Mait first.
— bring all empty boxes and unused things back to B13 before the jury shows up.
17:30-19:30 Dinner is available for the paid student badge (green).
— Do not bring your own food to Wisby Strand.
— The free badge, grey, is not valid for food or refreshments.
18:00 The Jury arrives for the jury-only playtest.
— The Jury must be able to play *all* games this evening. Do not block each-others’ games!
21:00 Shutdown. We go home. Your things are mostly safe at Wisby Strand.
Wednesday, June 5
08:00 Students can sneak into the show floor for last-minute fixes and prep
08:30 Registration opens. (Coffee is available for paying students)
09:00-11:00 Conference is in “presentation mode” with speakers on the big stage.
[see the GGC schedule for full program]
11:00-14:00 Game Exhibit Open and Lunch (served in Maltfabriken, included with the student badge!).
[see the GGC schedule for full program]
14:00-15:00 Presentation on the big stage
15:00-20:00 Show floor open to the public
Thursday, June 6
8:30 Doors are open for emergency fixes, coffee is available for student badges.
09:00-11:00 Conference is in “presentation mode” with speakers on the big stage.
[see the GGC schedule for full program]
11:00-17:00 Show floor open to the public
11:00-14:00 Lunch (included with the student badge).
14:00 Voting deadline (student choice, public choice, jury votes etc)
16:30 Start preparing for disassembly. Send someone to pick up your boxes, get tools ready. Make sure everyone is present.
17:00 SHUT DOWN.
- Immediately shut down all games and begin disassembly. Packing neatly but quickly – all equipment is brought back to campus. Anything you’ve built is loaded onto the truck that Finn has parked outside Wisby strand
17:30 All boxes have been returned to campus. All builds are loaded onto the truck.
- If not returned by 17:30 you will hold on to it (and be responsible), until the next day.
19:00 (for student badges) Champagne mingle for paying students, jury and speakers.
- Second floor of Wisby Strand, stairs up from seaside.
19:45 Award Ceremony starts! – Entrance from seaside. (all badges are welcome! Bring your friends!)
21:00 Party (all badges, 18 years or older, are welcome)
01:00 Bar closes!
Friday, June 7
13:00 Each team send 1-2 people to help Finn put all equipment away, clean the workshop and generally make sure our house is in order after the GGC project crunch.
Any questions? Contact Ulf via mail or slack (@ulfben), and I’ll update this page for everyone’s benefit.
Your art is a reflection of you. If you display only objectified women, or strong characters that are exploiting the weak, that is ok, but be prepared with answers if someone ask you why you chose that theme. (“But it’s just a picture, it doesn’t mean anything!” is not a good answer.)
Hype and social media
Help us bring in more audience by joining and sharing the Facebook event, tell your friends to get tickets so they can come to the awards and party too. Follow CampusGotlandGAME on Instagram, post your work-in-progress in the #GGConf19 and #GotlandGameConference-tags), and tweet at GotlandGAME and hashtag #GGConf19.
Let’s try and take over the “Top Posts”-front page of the University and Gotland tags! Copy-paste all of these tags (plus your own ones) into all your social media posts:
#gotlandgameconference #ggconf19 #uppsalauniversity #uppsalauniversitet #campusgotland #gotland #gotlandibilder #visitgotland
Get into the habit of clicking through these tags and liking each-others content! Try to get your entire team on to Instagram to maximize the likes.