Probable Cause: Using Random Chance in Games (CANCELLED)

Probable Cause: Using Random Chance in Games (CANCELLED)

Client: Brian Schwab, Blizzard
Date: April 8, 2011

Cancelled due to flights. Replaced with Prof. Steven Bachelder and the International Research School of Game Design

Opening Keynote

Predictability in game AI has often been cited as a drawback to gameplay and especially replayability. In some genres sports games, for example randomness is a necessary component to generate believable results. Often, it simply provides needed variety. Sometimes, however, randomness in game behavior can cause problems if it fails to align with the player’s expectations. This lecture will show examples of the sometimes quirky ways that people perceive randomness, show the pros and cons of using randomness in game systems, and give concrete techniques for mitigating some of the problems that truly random sequences can generate.

It is almost equally a design talk as it is a programming talk.


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