Andrija Bernik

Andrija Bernik

Andrija Bernik was born in 1985 in Karlovac, Croatia. He graduated Middle School of Electrical Engineering in Karlovac, enrolled and graduated Information Systems at the Faculty of Organization and Informatics in Varazdin, University of Zagreb, Croatia. He participated in five competitions in the field of 3D modeling and computer animation. He won five consecutive first places, and received two Dean’s awards for excellence and effort. Andrija graduated on the subject of Autodesk with a certificate of 10% of the best ranked students in 2009. He has a Ph.D. in the field of social sciences by the subject: Implementation of computer game elements into online teaching of IT courses. At the time being, Andrija is working on 3D assets (3D models and animations) for Unity platform through Autodesk Maya. He’s passionate about conducting researches regarding new IT/CG applications and their impact on education and society.

Loves to hike, cycle, swimming and tries to spend his free time in nature as much as possible.
