Emelie Rodin

Emelie Rodin

I’m the owner of BetterBuilt Studio, a Swedish Card Game Studio, where we build better card games. We launched State of Wonder last July and many of you may already know about me as we are based on the Island!

I’m a bit of a card game nerd, but that is not my only interest, I design Live Action experiences and ARGs as well and when I’m not crunching testing, stats and business development, I love to work on Serious Games and games that make an impact or help the players understand themselves or self care (Ask me about our Mutual Friend Felicia and I will talk for hours)

Want to know how to make it in the field of Indie development, I also love to talk about how to build your own cult following, how to make Money on your skills. Indie today is more about you than your game 😉

Talk to me about: Indie Development, Game Design, Serious Games, Business Design, Hobby to Money, Marketing, Building a following, Taking your game to Product.

Linkedin: Emelie Rodin
Instagram: StateOfWonderCCG
Twitter: @SoWGameDev
Facebook: State of Wonder the Game