Rasmus Lindgren

Rasmus Lindgren

IT-consultant at day and asleep at night, as it should be. I do tinker with graphics, code and design on the side whenever the opportunity arises. I work in IT now but my years at University were spent on the Game Design and Programming program at Campus Gotland. There I got to make some pretty neat games (Sam and Nicole, and Terrene) and work with some amazing people. It gave me an incredible insight to what goes into game creation.

What I enjoy about this medium is to tell stories that couldn’t be told in any other way. Through gameplay mechanics, systems and dynamics we can create experiences that immerses the audience and takes them for a ride through battlegrounds, the deep sea and even other universes. It is a medium with endless possibilities and yet here we are, barely passed the starting line. Isn’t that exciting?

Talk to me about: Your game design and how you tie it to your narrative and game world.