Student Deliverables
This document applies to all projects that want to exhibit at the Gotland Game Conference. The assets will form the basis for your projects’ presentation on our websites, on YouTube, our advertisement, PR packages and the printed GGC Event Guide and most importantly: in your own future portfolios!
All assets should be original work. Submissions with plagiarized graphics from other copyrighted sources will be disqualified. Use free- and open source fonts and audio.
Use these for your posters / trailer title card etc.
- copy (text) is provided through the Exhibitor Application form,
- all other media is uploaded to a project-folder on our FTP-server.
- The FTP-server information has been mailed out to the contact person for each team.
- Was mailed out to your contact email after the application deadline (2/5) (subject: “GGC 2019 Deliverables”).
Official logos:
Updates to this page:
- 2019-05-27: A2 poster deadline pushed, from 12:00 to 23:59
- 2019-05-23: added a presskit with all logos for GAME, GGC and UU.
- 2019-05-22: clarified “bleed”, added info about physical art gallery
- 2019-05-20: A2 poster should be “standing” or “portrait mode”.
- 2019-05-17: Self-nomination instructions + award categories explained, updated Game Prospect (v2)
These assets must be provided before the GGC:
Copy (texts)
Deadline: 2019-05-01 (updates possible until: 2019-05-24)
Provide all copy through the exhibitor’s application form. 1st of May is the application deadline, but you can update your information at any time after that!
This information is used in the printed Event Guide (see further down), on our websites and on our social media. Remember to update the information if your project changes, and ensure these texts matches what you print on your Game Prospect at the end of development.
Self-nominate for the Awards
Deadline: 2019-05-24
There are 13 Awards at the Gotland Game Conference. 7 of them require self-nominations to compete in. 6 of them are open to all exhibitors. So:
- Discuss within your group what (max) 3 awards you might be contenders for / want to focus on.
- (check the slides below for the criteria of each award)
- Submit a nomination via this form for the 3 awards (max) you want to compete for
- you don’t have to compete for three. 0, 1 or 2 is also fine.
- Try to make your game (and presentation and show floor) target those award criteria 110%
Delivery window: 2019-05-15 – 2019-05-24. In roughly the order you’ll be able to produce them:
- High-resolution logo for your group / team / company, if one exist (transparent background) (png)
- Concept art, development photos of the team, in-progress work etc – at least 4 images. (jpg)
- High-resolution logo / splash for your game (transparent background) (PNG or PSD with layers)
- Game thumbnail for the event guide pamphlet, 500x500px (jpg).
- Try to make sure this thumbnail matches your Prospect thumbnail! (see “The Game Prospect” below)
- The title screen / main menu (jpg)
- Minimum 4 good-looking in-game screenshots (jpg)
Concept art, screenshots, development photos etc. are (mostly!) used to present your game on our website. Here are some examples for context:
Try to stick to 16×9 aspect and minimum 1920x1080px resolution for screens and photos. There is no limit to the number of files – the more (good) content, the better.
Keep your graphics web-friendly, ~128-512kb is reasonable. Stretch to max ~1024Kb (1Mb) if compression kills your image quality.
Make sure your assets lead viewers back to your project! Always put your project name / logo on screenshots, your names on concept art etc.
The thumbnail aspect ratio is 1×1 and it will be printed fairly small in the event guide, so keep the design clean. Here’s what they look like in context:
You can not fit the entire game view on the thumbnail – pick some detail to show off. Try to make sure that the Event Guide thumbnail matches your game Prospect thumbnail.
Trailer (16×9, 60fps, H264, MP4)
Deadline: 2019-05-24
Your trailer must be less than 80 seconds. The trailers will be uploaded on our YouTube-channel, websites and used to produce the GGC Showreel:
- Gotland Game Conference 2016 Showreel
- Gotland Game Conference 2017 Showreel
- Gotland Game Conference 2018 Showreel
Watch Trail-er Blazing: Creating the Trailers your Game Deserves! (~23 minutes) and How To Make an Indie Game Trailer | Game Maker’s Toolkit (~14 minutes) to learn how to effectively pimp your game. TLDR: Try to focus on one core concept, and tease that what you’re showing is only a glimpse of what’s to come. Try to create a story with continuous momentum, structure, and a buildup to a resolution at the end. Do not try to demonstrate the game (that’s what a play-through is for).
Render your trailer using Youtube’s preferred settings:
- 16:9 aspect ratio, 1080p, 1440p or 2160p
- Capture and encode at 60fps
- Container: MP4
- H.264 video encoder (two pass)
- Progressive scan (no interlacing)
- High Profile, 2 consecutive B frames
- Closed GOP, GOP of half the frame rate
- Variable bitrate. No bitrate limit required, but for reference you should aim for 12, 24 or 54 Mbps for 1080p, 1440p and 2160p, respectively.
- AAC-LC audio encoder
- Channels: Stereo or Stereo + 5.1
- Sample rate 96khz or 48khz
- Audio bitrate: 384 kbps (stereo), 512 kbps (5.1)
OBS Studio is great for screen-capping video, and it’s Free and Open Source.
- Max 80 seconds long.
- Provide a good title-screen (= the thumbnail on YouTube) (jpg)
- Make sure you clear the audio licenses!
- No logo- or text overlays in the trailer – these are uploaded separately!
A2 poster (594x420mm, 300dpi, CMYK, .PDF)
Deadline: 2019-05-27 12:00 (lunch!) 23:59
- 594x420mm, with 6mm bleeds around the edges
- 300 DPI, CMYK, as print-ready PDF
- Include a web-friendly JPG copy: 72 DPI, RGB, minimum 1080px
“Bleed” is printing that goes beyond the edge of where the sheet will be trimmed. In other words, the bleed is the area to be trimmed off (the cut is never exact and you don’t want to end up with white edges, or your artwork cut off). Ergo: add 6mm bleed to the specified dimensions.
The layout should be in portrait orientation.
All posters should be original work. Submissions with graphics from other copyrighted sources will be disqualified.
The Game Prospect (A4)
Deadline: must be printed by the team before the jury presentations start.
Deadline (for upload): 2019-06-04 14:00
Each team will fill out and print a prospect for their game. This paper is what the jury will use to write feedback for your project, and to make sure they remember all the games they have played. There are 36 jury members, so print ~40 copies of this document and keep them in your booth. When a jury member first plays your game, you will hand them a copy of your prospect. The prospect is also part of your presentation evaluation, and used as part of determining the presentation award.
The template contains several social media icons (check the hidden layers for more!). Remove the ones you don’t use. Generate your QR codes here! You can use webprint to access the school printers.
Examples of prospects from previous years:
These papers must be easy to read- and write, and must go into folders together. Ergo: stick to full-page A4 (do not crop your prospect) and do not fill the page with ink!
Make sure that the PDF you upload is read-only, compressed and suitable for viewing in a browser.
Optional deliveries
The Game Executable
Deadline: should be uploaded before the jury presentations start. Can be uploaded at any time – even after the event!
Upload an executable of your game for the jury to play on their own machines (applies to projects where this makes sense). This help jurors maximize their time with your game and provide better feedback.
- Make sure to include a README.txt or .html with information about:
- supported platforms
- how to install the game
- how to play the game
- any known bugs / broken features
- your contact info / website / link to trailer etc.
- A couple of screenshots and an image of the default control mapping is a good idea to include!
- A portable install (“unzip and run”) is more convenient than an installer.
- Just make sure the game unzips to a folder and doesn’t puke a hundred files over somebodies desktop.
- Clean up, compress and minimize the distribution folder as much as possible. Ideally the folder contains nothing but the game executable and the documentation.
VR Art Exhibition
Deadline: 2019-05-24
Max one image per person, and one image per team. Create a folder with your name and year (eg: “Marie Antoinette 2nd year”).
- 1 high resolution JPEG, ~4000-8000 pixels on the longer side.
- 1 plain text file for the image caption.
- The creators’ name, the works’ title, and optionally a short brief. Include contact information / portfolio / website link too!
- This information will be shown on a plaque next to each piece in the VR space.
- A QR code to send viewers to your portfolio / project website is recommended! The QR code is submitted as PNG-file.
Contact Masaki Hayashi with any questions!
Physical Art Exhibition
Deadline: 2019-05-24 (safe for external printing), 2019-06-03 (in-house prints)
All teams will provide a poster of their game for the Art Wall, but individual students are free to submit additional pieces, digital and analog!
- We are likely to print these in-house, so strive for standard A3-A5 size prints.
- Print-ready PDF, TIFF or JPG (300dpi, RGB)
- If you use PDF, ensure all fonts are rasterized!
- Boost contrast by 10-15% more than you think you need – the print will be duller than your screen.
- Try to embed your information in the print:
- The creators’ name, the works’ title and optionally a short brief.
- A QR code to send viewers to your portfolio / project website is recommended!
- Individual contributions are printed- and displayed on a best-effort basis, the wall space is limited.
- Individuals can submit up to 5 images, but make sure they’re ordered (priority) as we might only print a few of them.
- Analog work can be delivered to Camilla von Paykull
More details t/c! Contact Camilla von Paykull with any questions!
Upload instructions
All material is uploaded to the GGC FTP (info in mail after the submission deadline). We recommend the FileZilla FTP client. Here is a guide on how to use it.
You can not delete things from the FTP. Be mindful with what you upload, and always provide clear versioning in the file names (eg. dates or increasing numerals). If you need a file removed, contact Ulf.
Folder structure:
Step into the folder for your year (1st, 2nd or 3rd) and create a directory with your project name. NOT YOUR TEAM NAME! In your directory you create three folders (pics, exe and trailer) and two files (prospect and poster). Eg:
--- OurGameTitle/
------ OurGameTitle.jpg [web-friendly poster]
------ OurGameTitle.pdf [web-friendly prospect]
------ pics/
--------- [concept art, screenshots, prints, logos etc]
------ exe/
--------- [zip of executable + documentation]
------ trailer/
--------- OurGameTitle.mp4
--------- OurGameTitle.jpg [trailer title screen / thumbnail]
For pictures, video trailer and executables – respectively. Put the game prospect PDF and poster JPG next to these folders. The prospect and poster should be named like your game is.

Keep uploading content when you’ve made significant progress, even after the deadline. We have many uses beyond the prints and will always pick the best-looking stuff that’s available to us. Try to provide good, versioned, filenames: MyGame_screen01_190516.jpg
for example.
The server is hosted on Campus Gotland. If your files are huge, try and upload them while on the campus network.