Translating Psychology’s Big 5 Into Game Design
The ‘Big 5’ model of human behavior has come to dominate the world of motivation psychology. Its facts-and-figures approach to the human mind seems that it should have a lot to offer game design. The speaker has spent much of the past year translating the principles of the Big 5 into guidance for designers, in order to improve our models of “player archetypes”. Ever wondered what the opposite of an ‘achievement player’ is? Neither had the speaker, until the Big 5 showed the way.
About Jason:
Jason VandenBerghe has been making games for 17 years, and is currently a creative director at Ubisoft (most recently on Far Cry 3 and Ghost Recon: Future Soldier). He has been a programmer, producer, designer, and director. He’s worked on bad games, good games, hard-to-make games, and, er, less hard-to-make games, and intends to keep on doing that for as long as They will let him.
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