The Gotland Game Conference 2021 is hosted entirely on! If you have a browser, a headset and a some-what performant computer1anything with a discrete GPU ought to be good enough you can join us live, in living color, from any part of the globe, May 31 – June 3.

The jury consists of a diverse set of individuals from around the world, who volunteer their time and experience to listen to our students’ presentations, play all of their games and deliver awards for outstanding achievements. Each member brings their own distinct expertise and share their insight directly with the students at the Gotland Game Conference.

The jury start on 31/5 – a day before the conference opens to the public. This first day is spent listening to student presentations (2-4 hours, with breaks) and then playing their games on the show floor and providing thoughtful and constructive feedback throughout the conference. Jury duty requires no work prior to the event, but once it starts you will have to prioritize and make time to play all games – enough to provide fair criticism and advice.
The games are available to play 24/7, but all scheduled activities will be primarily between 13:00 – 16:00 (Sweden). This is when we will all be present in for presentations and that genuine show-floor vibe. 🙂
- Optional: 12/5, 21/5 & 28/5, open playtesting. Jurors are welcome to join in and test the tech.
- 31/5 Student presentations, show floor open to Jury & Students only.
- 1-3/6 (Public) play testing, conference talks, meeting students on the show floor.

Want to speak at the conference?
This year our theme is potluck. In the past, a number of you have expressed a desire to present at the conference. This is your chance. We have 3 slots available, 1 per day. If you’d like to speak, send us a proposal with your application, and we’ll see what we can do to accommodate. We look forward to hearing your ideas!