… we’re in a lecture at University College Utrecht but I had to share this with you (HGO students take note; don’t do this in my classes! //Ulf).
We’re still waiting for confirmation from a few speakers (notably; Google and Spry Fox) but the theme and program is now solid.
During GGC you’ll meet with publishers and hiring managers and learn more about getting in to the established industry, while the local studios might inspire your startup. Board of Innovation will show us how to create new opportunities by innovation and business development.
We tie all of this together by listening to developers with experience in monetization and metrics driven design, and talking to platform providers to find out where HTML5, Unity, Adobe Flash (and hopefully NACL) is heading.
Practical stuffs;
Student presentations and the bulk of jury-play-testing is taken care of during a “private” booth crawl on thursday evening the 24th. Thus, friday and saturday are conference (with games running before and after the program). Friday evening will feature a few hours of public play (“Opening Expo”, while jury/speakers/staff socialize elsewhere). Saturday ends with a big bang. π
… also; the registration is open and the tickets are limited (registration closes 18th of May).