As the Games Industry continues to grow in breadth, depth, and definition, Game Designers face an even greater challenge to grow creatively with it. Never has the trope, “The only limit is yourself”, been so true and daunting.
Jerry Belich of Monkey Theater will explore the challenges of being creative in an industry that all but demands it.
About Jerry
Jerry Belich is a game designer, inventor, and storyteller based in Minneapolis, MN in the US. Professionally, he has served as a senior mobile developer, created interactive electronics installations, and consulted for combining digital narratives with live museum spaces. He now devotes himself to his company Monkey with a Mustache, which he uses to help other companies tell stories using digital and interactive media. Jerry recently invented the Choosatron, an award winning interactive fiction machine with a highly successful Kickstarter, and international recognition. He enjoys exploring the idea of play through various mediums, and using digital as well as analogue methods to connect with people.