is now live! Switch out your bookmarks and feed settings, and join us on Gotland in June!
GGC 2019, 5-6 June!
- Join the Facebook event for updates.
- Add to your feedreader.
- Get your tickets from as always.
- Want to volunteer for the Jury? Read the rules and apply here.
The talks are online!
The presentations are now available on our YouTube-channel. Even better – if you prefer reading you can click through these links to find a) a description and the video for each talk and b) our live Twitter coverage of each talk. Highly recommended!
- Welcome! by the Department of Game Design/li>
- Making Them Care: The Narrative Burden for Creating Empathy, by Heidi McDonald
- Existential Game Design – Lost in the Woods, Searching for Bliss, by Doris C. Rusch
- Empathy through Art: The Visual Language of Frostpunk, by Bartosz Sobolewski
- Practical leadership for a healthy and productive studio culture, by Albertina Sparrhult
- Kickstarted intimacy – Designing intimate spaces for strangers, by Malena Klaus
Photos from GGC 2018
To avoid completely swamping this post, we’re putting only a few photos here and sharing the full set on Facebook. There’s also a lot of activity on the Instagram tag – #GGConf2018.
Recordings of all the talks are available on our YouTube-channel.
Show Floor:
You can read more about all the exhibited games on the GAME Department blog. We keep a specific tag for the awarded games too.
All the talks are available in our YouTube-channel.
Check all the winners and nominees here.

The award winners
Photos and video to come! Meanwhile, enjoy all the game trailers, and here’s the final award list:
The award winners
- Best Presentation: Take My Shift
- Best Arcade Experience: Coal Rush
- Student Choice: Momentum Drift
- Alumni of the Year: Max Tiilikainen
- The Social Game Award: Twined
- Public Choice: Bench Warmers, Neon Nemesis (tie)
- The Almedalen Library Award: Symbio
- The Innovation Award: Nova Factor
- The Woke Award: Re Leap
- Expression in Game Design: Momentum Drift
- Jury Spotlight: Bolt and Bobby
- Jury Spotlight: Symbio
Full nomination lists:
Front page news!
Not only are we in the local newspaper – we are on the front page of the local newspaper. 🙂 Pick up a copy of Gotland Allehanda and read all about the conference and our game educations.
There are now 502 attendees registered. Get your own visitors ticket (pay what you want), and come play our games 5-6th of June, at Wisby Strand.
(Scans from Gotlands Allehanda, 2018-05-31)
Our students were on TV!
… and on the radio, and in the local papers. 🙂
As much as GGC is the university’s conference, it’s also the island’s. Every year we throw our doors open to the people of Gotland so they can see what we get up to. And, as part of this, we invite the local media to come and talk to our students.
Today we were graced with 3 reporters who spent more than an hour in the workshop with our frankly, brilliant, students. Click any of the links and see whay our teams are preparing and then grab yourself a ticket and come and play for yourself. It’s “pay what you want” and you can listen to some top class presentations, play some amazing games (and vote for them!), and stay for the award show and see if your favorite wins.
Over 500 attendees have signed up so far, so
get your visitors pass here!
First playable prototypes
The first year students did a public play test of their first playable prototypes recently! You can click through and follow our Instagram to keep track of the games in development! (#GGConf18 is where it’s at)
Announcing the HEVGA European Symposium (7-8 June)
Are you a game educator with an interest in connecting with other educators across the globe? Are you willing to share your experience and insights to improve the field? Join us on Gotland this summer!
- Register for the symposium, and…
- … optionally, submit a presentation!
- See all details on the symposium page.
Last year, as part of the Gotland Game Conference, we hosted our first Game Educators Summit in conjunction with the Higher Education Videogame Alliance (HEVGA). This was an attempt to bring educators together specifically to discuss Game Educations in Europe, our unique needs within and across borders, and how to best expand HEVGA in Europe.
This year, HEVGA is continuing to grow their efforts in Europe by holding their first annual European Symposium on our beautiful island of Gotland, Sweden. Uppsala University has been chosen by HEVGA as the first school to host the symposium and will co-locate it with the Gotland Game Conference to maximize cross-pollination.
- Game Educators Summit 2017
The two day symposium will take place on June 7 & 8. The first day will feature presentations across a wide variety of areas such as research, game educations, pedagogy, game design, games, institutional barriers and successes, within and across borders, and other programs or initiatives unique to Europe. Presentation slots are available in 15 – 45 minute increments.
The second day will be a working meeting designed to bring together diverse institutions and individual backgrounds to take stock of where games and game educations in Europe are at now. The working meeting will explore how to create a platform that can further establish a European games community in higher education across borders. Specific topics include: how to secure funding, creating a network that connects educations, amplifying local achievements globally, and avenues for unified advocacy.
To join us for the first European Symposium of the Higher Education Video Game Alliance hosted by Uppsala University;
- Register for the symposium, and…
- … optionally, submit a presentation!
- Details will be added to the symposium page.

Dr. Mary Kayler at the Game Educators Summmit 2017
Meet us at the Nordic Game Conf!
Two weeks before the Gotland Game Conference, the Nordic Game Conference is taking place in Malmö. This year we are partnering up, which mean (among other things) that we can offer you a 15% discount for Nordic Games 2018!
The NGC – being the central meeting point for north European game development – is a much larger event than ours and a fantastic opportunity to meet the entire Nordic games community, make new connections, do business, and learn how to become an even better developer.
They’ve already revealed many of the speakers taking the stage at NG18, with many more to be announced over the coming weeks. They’re also taking our Scandinavian talent to new levels with the debut of Yonderplay on Discovery Day and expanded Showcase, as well as the highly anticipated second annual Nordic Game Discovery Contest finals. They also host the perennially sold-out Expo, popular MeetToMatch matchmaking system and a new pitch summit. Last but not least, a string of social events including the renowned Gala Dinner and the highlight of the conference, the Nordic Game Awards.
As you can see these will be some tightly packed days, and we look forward to seeing you all in Malmö!
Discount offer on NG18 tickets
Nordic Game offers you a very special 15% discount on conference passes for this year’s event, 23‐25 May, in Malmö, Sweden.
How to get the discount:
- Go to
- push the “Register” button
- check the “Organisation discount” box
- choose “NGPartner” from the drop down menu
- and then enter the code “Partner” in the “Discount Code” box.